(201) 596-4204



Rich is certified to teach many Red Cross Classes and is an NRA instructor. He is an avid shooter and is an NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO).
Rich also teaches a tactical protective pen class.  


Marc has over 10 years experience as a fireman and was employed by the State of NJ as a Probation Officer for 30 years. Marc is an avid shooter, a certified NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) and an NRA instructor. He is also a Certified Red Cross instructor.


John is a veteran of the United States Navy. He is an officer in the US Navel Sea Cadets Corps. John is also an IT Analyst and teaches various computer classes. He also teaches classes on home alarm systems, planning and implementation. John teaches various situational awareness classes, as well as classes on how to prepare yourself to join the United States Military.
John is an NRA Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) and an avid shooter.